All about the most famous restaurant in the world

El Bulli
is undoubtedly the most controversial and experimental restaurant in the world that receives up to 1,000,000 reservation requests a year, where only 8,000 lucky ones get a table.

Ferran Adrià – the chef who earned El Bulli it's worldwide fame is one of the most famous people in Spain and has been acclaimed to be the best chef in the world.

Find out all about the restaurant and submerge into it's atmosphere by reading our account of the El Bulli experience, taking place in July 2005.

The Review

The survivors’ account of El Bulli – read about Ferran Adrià, visit the restaurant, feel the atmosphere and
sense the food...

A virtual tour into one of the nights in El Bulli

See the pictures of Adrià’s creations in the season
2005 and read our comments.

How to get there?
A few tips on where to stay and how to get there


© 2005- elBulli.info | Some images © Francesc Guillamet, elBulli.


Picture Gallery
How to get there


Note: elBulli.info is not affiliated with elBulli restaurant. The official site is elbulli.com.